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Transform Your Health Using Whole Food Nutrition

Integrating Mind, Body, & Soul Practice

Root Source Health and Wellness

Mind, Body, Soul, & Spirit

to improve overall Health and Wellness

What is Optimal Health?

A decade plus career as a Dietitian, student of herbal medicine, and energy work practitioner, has led me to know that integrating practices of mindfulness, eating whole foods, adding body movement, exercise, staying hydrated, getting proper and adequate sleep, healing trauma, and an attitude of being grateful, all lead to well-being, healing, and a shift into higher awareness. An overall feeling within that All Is One.

The mission and purpose of Root Source Health and Wellness is to guide you to integrated practices for the mind, body, and spirit. From these practices you may gain a deeper level of knowing, connection to your source, greater well-being and gain a deeper sense of connectedness to all things.

How do I Achieve Optimal Health


First, we need to care for our physical body. Incorporating the best nutrition is key for our mind, body, and spirit. Once you feel the energy and power of nutrition, you are able to move your body more, think more clearly, sleep better, and want to improve your life and the life of those around you. This is the positive wheel cycle that I incorporate into my practice.


Our mental health is not usually focused on in a traditional doctor’s assessment but is part of the triad of what makes up our health. Stress of daily life or a disease may spin us into a cycle of over-alertness and anxiety that puts our entire system under stress which can cause a myriad of health issues. Using tools and techniques to calm the mind, body, and spirit is essential for homeostasis. These techniques can include breath work, quiet meditation, or sitting outside or in nature. There is scientific evidence showing oxygenation through breath work can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Another term is mindfulness which means living in the present moment. It allows you to listen to what your body needs and feels now. Retraining the brain from old neural pathways to make new healthy pathways is key in becoming more mindful. Using mantras, positive self-talk, and motivational quotes can help propel towards your mental health goals in your journey of well-being. We give you tools along your journey to mindfulness.

Connect to Root Source

What is root source? Finding your passion, path, and purpose through your personal connection to source energy.

Why is this important? We all have a purpose that is ingrained within us from birth. Some of us remember easily while others struggle to find it and some even choose to ignore it. We need to honor our purpose and fulfill it the best to our ability.

How can this be achieved? First, by caring for our body, we can increase physical awareness through nutritious food, physical activity, hydration, and sleep. We develop physical awareness of the state of our body and become more mindful of what it needs. Though that routine and repetition, mental clarity and awareness occurs. What can occur next is spiritual clarity and being attune to source.


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towards your journey

to better health and wellness