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    What is Reiki?

    Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing, This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. I discovered Reiki a while back and decided to take classes to get attuned into sacred life force practice. It is a contact to your energetic field to channel any blockages and energy towards areas that need it. The practitioner places hands around your chakra areas or hovering 6 inches of your body to conduct the Life Force towards your body, it is one way communication stream from the source.  

    I discovered Reiki a while back and decided to take classes to get attuned into sacred life force practice. It is a contact to your energetic field to channel any blockages and energy towards areas that need it. The practitioner places hands around your chakra areas or hovering 6 inches of your body to conduct the Life Force towards your body, it is a one way communication stream from the source.

    What do Reiki treatments feel like?

    Each person experiences Reiki differently depending on their individual needs at the time.  Clients may or may not feel sensations during a Reiki treatment. Benefits reported by recipients include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well-being on all levels. Some people feel sensations of heat, tingling, or experience seeing colors, whilst others can have an emotional response, indicating that shifts are taking place, allowing harmony to be restored.

     You become more aware of your body and your chakra system – ROOT, SACRAL, SOLAR PLEXUS, HEART, THROAT, THIRD EYE, CROWN. Feel in the next 21 days where your pressure and pain is, become more aware of signs, feelings, thoughts, make a decision to write a journal. 


     There are no known contra-indications for Reiki. It is a non-intrusive treatment that can be delivered in a variety of settings and requires no special equipment.

    What happens after a Reiki Session?

    The healing continues after the session, encouraging several practices of self-love.  You integrate and feel more whole again, as your energy of light body is activated within 21 days you experience a detox and release period, where things are clearing and renewing. 

    What are the five principles of Reiki?  You can say them daily for your own healing activation. Try and read them for the next 21 DAYS to promote the activation aligning your mind and body.